In Dogs & Cats: Anxiety; PTSD; Injuries; Aging; Death. In Horses: Behavioral Challenges; Performance Issues; Health Issues.
Animal Communication; Animal Energy Healing; Telehealth
Dogs, Cats, Horses, Animal Companions and the People Who Love Them
Cindy Brody
Founder and Creator of
Animal Communicator
Energy Healer
Reiki Master

Cindy is self-taught.
At age 11, as a volunteer in animal shelters, Cindy promised herself that she would ease the suffering of animals, and she is grateful to be living that promise as she has spent her adult life helping thousands of animals nationwide and internationally.
Cindy is an animal communicator, Reiki master, and the founder and creator of CinergE, an integrative and energetic healing modality that combines energy balancing, reiki, muscle testing, intuition, and animal communication, which can be applied to all living beings. She has been practicing and offering CinergE for over thirty years and has worked extensively with dogs, cats, performance horses, and all creatures great and small, as she helps to unravel and heal a variety of behavioral challenges. Cindy also helps the human loved ones of these animals by assisting with better understanding their animal companion’s needs and teaching them ways to help ease physical stress and associated mental tension while also providing additional recommendations of “tools” to further help their beloved animal companions experience greater ease.
Cindy also teaches “The Happy Dog Therapy,” an easy-to-use and basic obedience training that bonds dogs even more closely to their people. Through these teachings, Cindy bridges communication gaps between people and their animal companions. Cindy also teaches energetic massage for all animals. Further, Cindy also wrote “The Happy Cat Therapy” which provides a simple solution to humans becoming the leader of their pride.
In addition to her thriving practice in New York's Hudson Valley region where people come from all over the country seeking help with their animal companions, Cindy also helps people with their four-legged family members nationwide and internationally through various types of remote long-distance communication.