Eating Disorders; Body Image; Anxiety; Stress; Depression; Bipolar Disorder; Self-Acceptance; Relationship Issues; Life Transitions; Personal Growth; Mindfulness.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy; General Psychotherapy; Meditation Instruction & Guidance; Clinical Consultation; Telehealth; Teletherapy
Adults, Older Adults
Dr. Suzanne Manser, PhD
Meditation Instructor & Guide
Clinical Consultant

BA: University of Pennsylvania
PhD: Temple University
INTERNSHIP & POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP: Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital

I Hate You (A Love Letter to My Mother): Healing Paper Cuts, Mother Wounds, and Intergenerational Pain
Available in hardcover, paperback and ebook.

I Hate You (A Love Letter to My Mother): A Journal for Healing Your Mother Wound and Transforming Your Life
Available in hardcover, paperback and ebook.
Dr. Manser has been in private practice since becoming a licensed clinical psychologist in 2001. In her practice, she uses scientifically supported approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In addition to private practice, she has held treatment positions at Harvard Medical School’s Massachusetts General Hospital and Two Brattle Center, served as Instructor at Harvard Medical School, Lecturer at University of California Santa Barbara, and as Director of the Hosford Counseling & Psychological Services Clinic in the Department of Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology at the University of California Santa Barbara. Further, Dr. Manser serves as a clinical consultant for psychotherapists in private practice.
She has also given numerous presentations and talks on eating disorders.
Dr. Manser was trained by the founders of ACT: Dr.’s Steven Hayes and Kelly Wilson. Dr. Manser also was trained in other complementary approaches such as meditation with Jack Kornfield of Spirit Rock Meditation Center.
Dr. Manser’s impact is far-reaching, and her blog articles have been quoted in the Guardian, published in YourTango, and picked up by MSN.com.
Dr. Manser is also the author of Iffirmations Workbook: How to Use Iffirmations to Change Your Life (nope, that’s not a typo). This workbook introduces "iffirmations," an effective mindset-management tool that helps people learn how to create effective iffirmations and make a plan for using them to change your life.