Personal Growth; Empowerment; Self-Discovery & Self-Development; Stress Reduction; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Relationship Challenges; Enhancing Quality of Life; Singing; Playing Guitar; Songwriting
Music Therapy; Breath Work; Voice, Guitar & Songwriting Lessons; Astrology Readings; Tarot Readings; Spiritual Coaching & Guidance; Telehealth; Teletherapy
All Ages & Populations, Individuals, Couples, Groups
Pete Crotty, LCAT
Creative Arts Therapist
Music Therapist
Astrology Reader & Guide
Tarot Reader
Spiritual Coach

BA: SUNY New Paltz
Astrology & Tarot: Self-Taught for Over 30 years
Pete (Pedro) Crotty is a Creative Arts Therapist specializing in Music Therapy, and he has also been studying and offering tarot and astrology readings for over 30 years. He has worked with and counseled adults, teens, and children with psychiatric illnesses and various types of disabilities as well as with individuals, couples, and groups who seek: greater empowerment; self-awareness; and emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth.
For as long as he can remember, Pete has had an innate spiritual and psychic gift that he has developed and strengthened since childhood. His goals always include helping people (and himself!) to be the best they can be.
Pete published his first book in August 2022 entitled Create Your Own Horoscope - A Simple Guide to Astrology and has been incorporating this book as a guide via workshops throughout New York’s Hudson Valley and virtually online. Pete volunteers for the “Holistic Health Community” of Stone Ridge, NY; and he volunteers at the Hudson Valley’s “O+ Festival.” Pete also performs with the bands “WHOAH!” and “NCM.”