General Health & Well-Being; Stress Reduction; Depression Relief; Weight Loss; Balance, Flexibility & Strength; Energy Expansion
Postural Assessments; Strength & Cardio-Based Workouts; Core & Flexibility Training; Mat & Apparatus Pilates Sessions; Telehealth
Adults, Older Adults, Individuals, Groups, Non-Profit & Corporate Wellness Events
Marjorie Seidner-Waller
Co-Creator of
Fitness Coach
Pilates Instructor

AA: Fashion Institute of Technology
AFAA Group Fitness Certification: Aerobics & Fitness Association of America
500 Hour Comprehensive Pilates Certification: Polestar Pilates
NCPT Certification: Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher Organization
Barre and Mat Certification: BalancedBody
Marjorie has over 30 years of experience teaching and coaching in the fitness industry. Her love for fitness began as a young girl competing in figure skating, and her passion for movement led her to begin teaching motivational group aerobics classes. Witnessing improvements in energy and reductions in stress for her students paved the way for Marjorie to begin focusing on more specified body awareness workouts. Her budding experiences with Pilates Mat approaches were a game changer focusing and relying on “the core” as a basis for functional movement. As group Pilates Reformer classes gained popularity in the early 2000s, Marjorie completed her 500-hour certification through industry-renowned Polestar Pilates and then received the prestigious Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher certification.
Marjorie created a niche in the fitness industry by combining Pilates core-based principles with strength and cardiovascular circuit-based class formats. She coordinated and created many fitness facilities’ group exercise and Pilates programs across Long Island and the greater New York area. In 2017, she assisted in the launch of one of the first New York Club Pilates franchises as General Manager and Lead Instructor. In 2019, Marjorie co-created MoveYourBodyMoveYourMind with an award-winning Psychiatrist. These half-hour virtual workouts are designed to help clients and patients lower stress and anxiety through movement and breath.
Marjorie’s philosophy is that consistent daily movement is the key to slowing down the aging process and improving one’s mental focus and outlook on life.