Depression; Self-Esteem; Social Insecurity; Personal Growth; Issues of Aging
General Psychotherapy; Holistic Integrative Therapy; Teletherapy
Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults, LGBTQIA+, Individuals, Couples

BA: Bellarmine College
MSW: Fordham University
Prior to joining Izlind, Skip worked as a counselor/therapist at The Institute for Family Health, Astor Services for Children and Families, AIDS Related Community Services, and the Devereux Foundation of New York. Skip also served as Associate Director of Behavioral Services for BSG Integrative Psychology, P.C. (BSG), and he continues to provide consultations through BSG. Skip has received extensive training on LGBTQIA+ issues and concerns; received his training as a Reiki Master from Soma 11:11 Center (Lorry Salluzzi, Sensei), and received his Kundalini Yoga Instructor Certification from KRI. Skip received supplemental training in meditation practices from Dr. Jack Kornfield of the Spirit Rock Meditation Center and from Florence Meleo-Meyer of the UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare, and Society. He has also received specialized training in Mindfulness in Education with Daniel Rechtschaffen; and additional training in Energy Psychology (EFT/Tapping) from Dr. David Feinstein of Innersource.